Adventures of Cow

Performed by Choral Chameleon Ensemble at “Storytime: Part Two” Filmed at Acme Studio in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, May 2015

Music & Lyrics by Rob Mosher

Incorporating text and images from ‘ Adventures of Cow by Cow’ by Lori Korchek and Marshall Taylor

Published by Tricycle Press 2005

Conducted by Vince Peterson

Rob Mosher, Winds
Alex Canovas, Tenor
Erika Lloyd, Soprano

Choral Chameleon Ensemble:
Erika Lloyd Liz Hanna Julie Waters Heather Michele Meyer Sharon Harms Kelly Baxter-Golding Jonathan May Bill Heigen Alex Canovas Kevin Rose Cameron Bernard Jones Mark Johnson Joseph Bellino Andy Cook-Feltz

Stage Directed by Liz Ostler
Filmed & Edited by Memetic Studios
Produced by Nicole Belmont